ICSPS' Approach

Role Plays
Imitation is the best approach to learning, practicing doing things right is more important than practicing doing things wrong. Practice right makes you perfect. Observation and Imitating the right method and practice is the key objective.

There’s no better way than games to engage your senses while doing something – it is a proven way to increase focus and participation, and there is no better way to understand the science of perfection other than by playing it.

Case Studies
We learn from practices in play and study their outcomes for better practices and better outcomes. Understanding to interpret failure and success on historical cues is the key objective.

Team Exercises
If an individual by himself scored most of the points – it would not be enough to win, if the team made points too, there’s a certain possibility of a good win, to understand the collective effort of a team is to understand the strength at which you can deliver. Participation and being a team player is the key objective.

Where am I? Where do I want to go? How do I want to go there? Etc. are key questions we overlook when we want to get to our goals and objectives. Asking ourselves before setting out is important, it outlines for us the possibility of what might be and based on that possibility are results created.

Group Discussion
Nobody in life gets by today with dumb charades, gone are the days when you were introduced. Nobody will want to do that in this competitive climate and landscape. You have to speak up, you have to lead yourself, and you have to state your arrival. The key here is to develop communication that is relevant, pertinent and group wise.

This is a key activity to the emotional quotient and ego of an individual. Who doesn’t like a pat on their back?  Feedback is an independent mechanism in itself that proves to be an excellent driver of personal and organizational development towards achieving goals and objectives. Understanding the positivity of critical and commendable feedback is a key objective here.

Audio & Visuals
In today’s world people don’t close their eyes when they hear and they don’t shut their ears when they see. These two fundamental tools of training are very effective while demonstrating and delivering training.